Reed’s HAND-UP legislation introduced to aid disadvantaged working families

U.S. Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY) introduced a proposal on Monday to give working families who are disadvantaged a “hand up” out of poverty.

“We care about making sure families and individuals, especially the working poor, that are struggling in poverty get the help they need to regain their financial independence,” Reed said. “It’s only right to help them but also protect the taxpayer, and we do that by creating opportunity, making work pay and making these programs work more effectively.”

Reed’s Help Americans in Need Develop their Ultimate Potential, or HAND-UP Act, would give flexibility to states to change how such social welfare programs as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) are administered to ensure that money goes to those who need it while reducing government overhead.

“We have to give our state agencies the flexibility they need to make the decisions that can make these programs work most effectively, and get the regulations that prevent this out of the way,” Reed said. “We can have smarter, smaller government that works if we come together and pull out all of the stops.”

Under the legislation, states would also be encouraged to save money without cutting benefits by gradually reducing benefits as income increases instead of simply eliminating all benefits at a certain income threshold.

“Most people want to work and support themselves and their families, but we have policies in place that literally penalize them from doing that,” Reed said. “I care about these folks and will stand with those committed to the American work ethic.

“The real way we solve this problem is through job growth. We have to bring back quality, family-sustaining jobs to our region and give people the opportunity to be successful.”

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