Ernst calls for end to leaks about special ops unit activities

U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) demanded on Tuesday that the Obama administration stop leaking information about the activities of U.S. military special operations.

In a letter to President Obama, Ernst said that U.S General Joseph Votel, the commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, recently noted additional risks assumed by servicemembers due to continued information leaks.

“However, despite this effort by Gen. Votel to end leaks on special operations activities from the administration, it appears information which outline the activities of our special operations servicemembers continue,” Ernst wrote. “On Feb. 29, 2016, CNN reported that it obtained information from an unnamed administration official regarding special operations forces in Iraq. This unnamed administration official, which CNN describes as someone with direct knowledge of the information, provided CNN with specific information regarding a special mission unit.”

Ernst, a former Army National Guard officer and the spouse of a retired special operations soldier, said the release of potentially classified information from Obama administration officials must end.

“To better honor the daily sacrifices of our servicemembers and their families, I urge (Obama) to increase (his) efforts to end leaks regarding special operations missions and to hold those administration officials accountable who leak information which puts our servicemembers at greater risk in the conduct of their vital mission,” Ernst wrote.

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