Cantor supports Water Resources Reform and Development Act

Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said on Wednesday that he supports the Water Resources Reform and Development Act, which would authorize the Army Corps of Engineers to develop, maintain and build projects on behalf of the nation.

The bill also streamlines environmental reviews and establishes an earmark-free and transparent process for congressional oversight.

“This is a fiscally responsible bill, one that will create jobs and ensure that America remains competitive in the global economy,” Cantor said. “It will encourage investing in our national water transportation networks while cutting red tape and streamlining the infrastructure project delivery process.”

Cantor said that U.S. waterways and ports support more than $1.4 trillion of goods each year, and trade volume is expected to grow exponentially.

“Other countries around the world have been investing in their commercial infrastructure to improve their standing in the global marketplace so they can gain a competitive edge,” Cantor said. “As a result, improving and strengthening our ports and inland waterways is not just an economic desire, it is an economic necessity.”

Cantor said that the U.S economy remains weak, and the government is accountable for finding efficient and effective bipartisan solutions that will grow the economy. He said this legislation is a big step in that direction.

The bill passed the House with a 417-to-3 vote and awaits approval by the Senate.