Diane Black seeks to balance the budget, reform tax

With Congress currently in recess until after the November election, Rep. Diane Black (R-Tennessee) recently had time to reflect on this past legislative session and look to the future. 

A member of the House Ways and Means committee and the House Budget Committee, Black is particularly proud of the role she’s played in overhauling the nation’s tax system, as well as her work with Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) to author the Path to Prosperity Budget, which seeks a balanced budget within 10 years. 

“By making our tax code flatter, fairer, and simpler, we can grow the economy and put more money in the pockets of American families,” Black said.

Representing Tennesse’s 6th Congressional District since 2010, Black also introduced the Student and Family Tax Simplification Act, a bipartisan bill to streamline education tax credits for students by consolidating four tax credits into one permanent and strengthened tax credit. The bill passed the House with a bipartisan majority in July of this year and is now held up with the Democrat-led Senate.

“My hope is that it will be included in a package of tax provisions that needs to be passed before the end of the year or that, once we get willing partners in the Senate next Congress, this bill will get the consideration it deserves – whether on its own merits, or through a comprehensive tax reform package,” Black said.

Congress returns to work in January.