Reed named ranking GOP member of House Social Security subcommittee

U.S. Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY) has been named the ranking member of the U.S. House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security.

“We care about those who rely on Social Security and we will work together with Democrats for the American people to protect this program and ensure Social Security is around for future generations,” Rep. Reed said last week.

The subcommittee on Social Security handles all legislation and oversight related to the nation’s Social Security system, which provides earned benefits to retirees, severely disabled workers and their families, widows and widowers, and children who have lost a parent, according to the full committee’s website.

U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), the newly named ranking member of the full Ways and Means Committee, on Jan. 16 announced the subcommittee ranking members and subcommittee assignments for Republican members of the committee for the 116th Congress.

“Hard-working Americans who were left behind during the previous administration are now finally seeing more jobs and bigger paychecks thanks to President Trump and our GOP pro-growth agenda,” Rep. Brady said in making the assignments. “We are ready to roll up our sleeves and work with our Democrat colleagues to protect the growing paychecks of America’s workers and ensure this booming economy isn’t slowed down.”

Rep. Reed is joined on the Social Security subcommittee by U.S. Rep. John Larson (D-CT), the subcommittee’s new chairman, and Republican members U.S. Reps. Jodey Arrington of Texas, Drew Ferguson of Georgia, and Ron Estes of Kansas.

“We know John is a great legislator and we look forward to working with him this Congress,” said Rep. Reed.

In turn, Rep. Larson said he was “delighted” that Rep. Reed was selected to be the Republican ranking member of the House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee. “We have a long history of collaboration and service on this subcommittee and share many common goals,” he added. “I look forward to working with Tom to conduct the committee’s business in a thorough and bipartisan manner.”

Rep. Brady called Rep. Reed “one of the most effective members of our committee since day one.”

Rep. Reed is “always willing to reach across the aisle to get the job done and ensuring the needs of folks in New York are met,” said Rep. Brady, adding that the congressman is “a great leader.”