McCaul: New law upholds democracy in Hong Kong

U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) on Nov. 28 applauded the bipartisan, bicameral Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 being signed into law.

  1. 1838 and the identical bill, H.R. 3289, were introduced in June to direct various federal departments to assess whether political developments in Hong Kong justify changing the country’s unique treatment under U.S. law, among other provisions, according to the congressional record summary.

“I applaud President Trump for signing these important bills into law and sending a strong message to the world,” said Rep. McCaul, ranking member of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee. “I am proud that we responded to Chairman Xi’s threats with a clear message: America will never cower in the face of tyranny.”

Signed by Trump on Nov. 27, the new law reaffirms and amends the U.S.-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992; specifies U.S. policy toward Hong Kong; and directs assessment of the political developments in Hong Kong, according to the president.

“Certain provisions of the act would interfere with the exercise of the president’s constitutional authority to state the foreign policy of the United States,” Trump said in a statement. “My administration will treat each of the provisions of the act consistently with the president’s constitutional authorities with respect to foreign relations.”

While Hong Kong is part of China, it has a largely separate legal and economic system. Rep. McCaul noted that for the past six months, “freedom-loving Hong Kongers have risked their lives in a bitter fight against communist oppression.”

“I met several of those activists in Washington, D.C., earlier this year and promised to help them defend the values we both share,” he added. “The United States honored that commitment by passing these bills into law.”

The congressman also pointed out that the new law will ensure that the Chinese Communist Party faces consequences for any human rights violations, as well as for attempts to erode Hong Kong’s legitimate autonomy.

“America stands in solidarity with the freedom-loving people of Hong Kong and will continue to be a beacon of hope for all those fighting for democracy around the world,” Rep. McCaul said.