House Republicans ready to continue fight in Afghanistan

U.S. President Donald Trump’s renewed commitment to fight terrorism in Afghanistan is the right American policy at the right time, said several Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives this week.

“The president made it clear that the United States will not allow terrorist groups to prevail in Afghanistan,” said Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK).

In following the best military and diplomatic advice available, Cole said Trump is placing confidence in the U.S. armed forces to defeat terrorist enemies.

“This was a presidential decision arrived at after a thorough review of the costs, the stakes and the consequences of staying in Afghanistan,” Cole added. “I am impressed by the process.”

U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) agreed that the president’s strategy, released on Monday, includes important provisions related to setting operational goals based on results rather than a firm timeline.

“To hastily withdraw from Afghanistan would be a disservice to the lives lost, and would leave a power vacuum for enemies and other terrorist groups like the Taliban and al Qaeda to fill,” Kinzinger said in a statement released Tuesday.

It’s important that the U.S. regain the ground it has lost in this 16-year war, he added, which has become the longest-running conflict in American history.

“America, as a global power, must lead these efforts out front in order to stabilize the Middle East. We cannot give up, we cannot give in,” said Kinzinger. “While much has changed since 9/11, our resolve to destroy terrorism must never waiver.”

U.S. Rep. Susan Brooks (R-IN) also pointed out that the U.S. has the responsibility to keep the homeland safe and Trump’s plan to increase U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan will help ensure the American people’s best interests are being served, she said.

Brooks said she looks forward to working with her colleagues in Congress to U.S. troops on the front-lines continue to have the support and resources they need “to get the job done as safely and quickly as possible.”

All three congressional members also support Trump’s strategy to build on regional partnerships with Pakistan and India.

“I was especially pleased that the president called on Pakistan to step up its efforts against terrorists within its borders that target American troops,” said Cole, who also appreciated Trump’s outreach to India, an important player in the region.

“We need to help the Afghan Special Forces prevent their homeland from becoming a safe haven for terrorists, and help them achieve a future of peace, stability and security,” said Kinzinger.

Cole added that it’s time for Republicans and Democrats in Congress to lay down arms, come together and stand with Trump.

“It is my hope that Congress will set aside its partisan divisions and give the president its full support. The president has acted in the best interests of the American people. Republicans and Democrats should give him and our troops in the field the support they need to succeed,” he said.