House leaders praise executive order rolling back WOTUS rule

House Republican leaders applauded President Donald Trump’s executive action this week to roll back the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule, which expands federal jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act.

U.S. Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD) said the Obama administration had tried to pull off “one of the largest federal land grabs in U.S. history” when it finalized the WOTUS rule.

“(Tuesday’s) actions are a step toward reversing the rule’s impact and lifting another regulatory burden from the shoulders of hardworking farmers, ranchers and homeowners,” Noem said. “As the administration’s efforts move forward, I will continue to work on the legislative front to reverse this Obama-era regulation and protect South Dakotans from the costly impacts it could have.”

Estimates show that under the WOTUS rule, which expanded federal jurisdiction to small and seasonal bodies of water, landowners who fall out of compliance could face penalties costing more than $30,000 per violation, per day.

U.S. Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO) called the WOTUS rule one of the most “outrageous” regulations to come from the Obama administration.

“It allowed federal bureaucrats to take control of small bodies of water on our family farms and private property, and it was written without input from anyone in rural America,” Graves said. “I am thrilled to see the White House today push back against this assault on private property, and begin bringing common sense back to the EPA.”

U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA), the chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, previously introduced the Regulatory Integrity Protection Act to require the Environmental Protection Agency to withdraw its WOTUS rule.

“I’ve been a leading voice in the House in opposition to this job killing EPA rule, and it is great news for Pennsylvania’s farmers and homebuilders that we finally have a partner in the White House that understands the negative impact this power grab will have on our economy and property rights,” Shuster said.

“(Tuesday’s) news is a clear sign that the Trump administration will follow through on its promise to stand with the states, local governments and America’s farmers, manufacturers, businesses and communities, who all voiced strong concerns with the flawed WOTUS rule and expansion of federal power that was pushed through by the Obama administration,” Shuster added.