Gardner introduces bipartisan bill to maximize returns of federally funded research

Bipartisan legislation introduced by U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) on Thursday would remove administrative hurdles for researchers, enhance oversight and take steps to ensure the impact of taxpayer-funded research.

The American Innovation and Competitiveness Act, S. 3084, introduced by Gardner and U.S. Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI), resulted from the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation’s working group on federal science and technology policies.

“Our country is at its best when the entrepreneurial spirit has the ability to thrive and Americans have the tools they need to succeed,” Gardner said. “In order for America to remain competitive, it’s essential that we efficiently and effectively invest in research so that our country’s brightest minds can create and develop. It’s also critical that we expand educational opportunities and recognize the importance of equipping the next generation of leaders with STEM skills so that America not only keeps pace with the rest of the world, but remains the leading innovator.”

U.S. Sens. John Thune (R-SD), the chairman of the committee, and Bill Nelson (D-FL), the committee’s ranking member, applauded Gardner and Peters’ work.

Thune said that the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act would give new direction to federal research, and maximize its returns.

“Sen. Gardner and Sen. Peters rolled up their sleeves to gather necessary input for a pro-science, pro-taxpayer bill,” Thune said. “I’m pleased the committee will soon have an opportunity to consider this important legislation.”

Under the bill, the dissemination of research would be improved, and federal science agencies would be reformed to maximize the impact of taxpayer-funded research.

“I was proud to lead multiple roundtables and working groups and gather crucial feedback from the science, education and business communities in order to develop comprehensive science and technology policy that will strengthen our economy and create good-paying jobs,” Gardner said. “The American Innovation and Competitiveness Act is the product of a strong, bipartisan effort that I was proud to champion, and I thank Chairman Thune for his leadership and Sen. Peters and Ranking Member Nelson for their support and hard work throughout this process. This legislation is a positive step toward keeping America competitive, and I look forward to a full and open debate.”

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