Fischer, Rounds support EPA rejection of small refinery exemption requests

U.S. Sens. Deb Fischer (R-NE) and Mike Rounds (R-SD) applauded action on Monday by the Environmental Protection Agency to reject 54 “gap” small refinery exemption requests from oil refineries seeking economic hardship exceptions from ethanol blending requirements under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program.

Specifically, the oil refineries had sought RFS exemptions for the so-called “gap-filling” petitions for compliance years 2011 through 2018.

“President Trump and the administration made the right decision in rejecting these 54 gap small refinery exemptions,” Sen. Fischer said. “Farmers and ethanol producers across the Heartland now have more certainty because of this important decision. In a tough year for biofuels producers, it’s encouraging to see this commitment to rural America.”

Sen. Rounds pointed out that the EPA’s “excessive issuance” of small refinery exemptions has undermined the integrity of the RFS for years, harming corn and corn ethanol producers in his home state and across the country by reducing demand.

“Today’s decision upholds the integrity of the RFS and Congress’ intent of the law,” said Sen. Rounds, who plans to continue working with a handful of senators and the president to ensure the EPA requires 15 billion gallons of conventional ethanol to be blended into the U.S. fuel supply.

The EPA’s announcement, he added, is a step in the right direction toward making that goal a reality. “I urge the EPA to deny additional outstanding waivers when they’re received from the Department of Energy,” Sen. Rounds said.