Daines bill would withhold lawmaker pay until balanced budget is passed

Legislators would not get paid unless they passed a balanced budget under legislation that U.S. Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) recently introduced to promote government accountability and rein in spending.

The Balanced Budget Accountability Act would suspend the salaries of members of Congress if they fail to pass a budget that balances within 10 years before April 15, the legal deadline for doing so.

“The Balanced Budget Accountability Act reflects Montana values: commonsense practices that promises made are promises kept,” Daines said.

Under the bill, members of Congress would see their pay withheld until their chamber meets the balanced budget requirement, or until the end of Congress.

Then, beginning in 2018, lawmakers would receive $1 per month after April 15 if their chamber of Congress were to fail to meet the balanced budget requirement.

“Elected officials need to be accountable to the folks they serve and that starts with getting our fiscal house in order,” Daines said. “Montana families balance their budgets, it’s unreasonable that Congress can’t do the same.”

The Balanced Budget Accountability Act would take additional steps to limit federal spending by requiring three-fifths approval for all tax increases and prohibiting spending as a percent of GDP from exceeding 18 percent by 2028.

Daines introduced similar measures in the 113th Congress and the 114th Congress.