Cassidy’s bipartisan health IT systems transparency bill clears Senate committee

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee approved a bipartisan bill on Tuesday that was introduced by U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) to bring transparency to health IT systems.

Cassidy and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) introduced the Transparent Ratings on Usability and Security to Transform Information Technology (TRUST IT) Act, S. 2141, in October. The measure would establish a rating system for health IT systems.

“The TRUST IT act was introduced and committee included it in the draft because we need reforms that empower physicians to provide better patient care — not burden physicians and damage the doctor-patient relationship,” Cassidy said. “The TRUST IT Act creates a rating system —developed by stakeholders — that measures outcomes of usability, interoperability and security. This focus on outcomes will reduce the burden on physicians while maintaining transparency.”

Under the measure, the health IT rating system would be published on the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s website. Consumers could use it to compare IT health products based on security, usability and interoperability.

“This bill helps create interoperability by stopping information blocking, and creating a business incentive through the rating program to ensure that all systems work together to seamlessly share information for patient care,” Cassidy said.

Additionally, the TRUST IT Act would develop a system to collect confidential feedback on IT health systems from doctors and patients. IT health product makers would also be required to report on the performance of products every two years or face decertification or fines for failing to comply.

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