Calvert bill would ease restrictions to ensure military reservists receive Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits

U.S. Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA) recently reintroduced legislation that would close a loophole that sometimes disqualifies military reservists who report for active duty from receiving Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits.

Under the Post 9/11 GI Bill, an individual can begin receiving the Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) on the first day of the month following discharge from active duty status. However, reservists and guards that are required to perform monthly active duty can be disqualified from receiving the MHA benefit.

Calvert’s bill, H.R. 925, would correct the issue by ensuring that reservist aircrew, intelligence, personnel and unmanned aerial vehicle and remote piloted aircraft operators required to perform monthly jobs in active duty status are not disqualified from receiving the MHA.

“Our veterans and reservists deserve to receive the benefits they have earned without unnecessary complications,” Calvert said. “Our reservists make themselves available on short notice to contribute to our national security. Now it’s our turn to come to their aid by making this common sense fix to their Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits.”

H.R. 925 would prorate the MHA for the portion of the month that a service member is in active duty. The measure would also clarify eligibility for monthly stipends paid under the post-911 Veterans Educational Assistance Program for certain reservists.