Barr, McCaul offer resolution supporting Taiwan’s democracy

Ahead of Taiwan’s elections this month, U.S. Reps. Andy Barr (R-KY) and Michael McCaul (R-TX) on Jan. 10 cosponsored a bipartisan, bicameral resolution that commends Taiwan for its history of democratic elections and expresses support for the country’s democratic institutions.

“Taiwan is a trusted partner for the United States and maintains the right to conduct free and fair elections,” Rep. Barr said. “With the Chinese Communist Party increasing aggression toward Taiwan, it is more important now than ever that we renew our commitment to support a democratic Taiwan.”

House Resolution 955 is sponsored by U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) and in addition to Rep. Barr and Rep. McCaul has 42 other original cosponsors. The companion Senate Resolution 521 was introduced on Jan. 11 by U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK) and 48 original cosponsors.

“As the Chinese Communist Party ramps up disinformation about Taiwan, democracies around the world must support Taiwan’s democratic process,” said Rep. McCaul. “This resolution affirms Congress’ support of Taiwan as a beacon of democracy in the Indo-Pacific and the Taiwanese people’s wishes.”

According to the text of the resolution, Taiwan has held seven presidential, nine legislative, and many local elections since its democratic transition began in the late 1980s.

All of these elections have been free, fair, and representative of the will of the people of Taiwan, and the country has peacefully transferred presidential power between political parties and transferred parliamentary power between political parties three times each, the text says.

The resolution states that Congress would regard the democracy of Taiwan as “a great strategic strength for the free world and an indispensable component of contemporary United States-Taiwan relations,” among other stipulations.

“Now more than ever, it is imperative that the United States stands in total solidarity with Taiwan and its commitment to democracy,” said Rep. Connolly. “In the face of relentless threats and intimidation from the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan’s leadership as a global leader in public health, advanced manufacturing, and democratic governance underscore the importance of protecting democratic institutions and rejecting authoritarianism at home and abroad.”