Transportation funding bill contains Gibson amendment on bridge needs

The Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act, which the House passed on Thursday, contains an amendment by U.S. Rep. Chris Gibson (R-NY) directing the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to create a comprehensive strategy within the next year to address “structurally deficient” and “functionally obsolete” bridges.

“Our nation’s bridges are in desperate need of repair,” Gibson said. “In New York, this is especially true. This year, the American Society of Civil Engineers graded our network of bridges a dismal D+. We rank second-to-last in the nation in bridges classified as functionally obsolete and 12th worst when it comes to bridges deemed structurally deficient. The condition of this crucial infrastructure jeopardizes public safety and hinders economic growth in upstate New York and across the U.S.”

One out of every nine bridges in America is structurally deficient and more than 84,000 functionally obsolete bridges are still in use.

“Notably, these two categories require different policy solutions, but DOT has no clear strategy to address these problems, and all too often they are treated as the same,” Gibson said. “By requiring this strategy, we will allow for effective oversight by the people, through their representatives in the House.”