Senate to consider Ernst resolution to terminate EPA’s new water rule

U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) has secured filibuster-proof support late last week for her joint resolution of disapproval, S.J. Res. 22, which aims to halt the Environmental Protection Agency’s Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule.

The resolution is expected to be taken up sometime in the next two weeks.

Ernst led a group of 49 fellow senators in this effort to nullify the WOTUS rule, which expands the scope of federal authority over land with bodies of water. After securing strong support from her colleagues through a discharge petition, the Senate now must consider the resolution.

“I am pleased the Senate will now move forward with our efforts to confront this ill-conceived and harmful WOTUS rule; we must eliminate unnecessary confusion and red tape for our farmers, ranchers, manufacturers and small businesses,” Ernst said. “These efforts are the next necessary steps in pushing back against this blatant power grab, and I’m optimistic it will head to the president’s desk, where he will be forced to decide between the livelihood of our rural communities nationwide and his unchecked federal agency.”