Rep. Marino discusses results of three-part vote on Iran Nuclear Deal

U.S. Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA), along with many other lawmakers, voted last week on three separate proposals to systematically reject President Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal.

The first vote was a House Resolution (H. Res. 411) which expressed the sense of the House that Obama did not submit all the necessary documents as required under law before negotiating the deal. The second vote was to give the House the opportunity to vote in favor of the Iran deal if it so chooses (H.R. 3461), and the third vote was to prohibit Obama from lifting any sanctions imposed on Iran (H.R. 3460).

“This is not a deal, it is a scam,” Marino said. “Bringing this shoddily crafted agreement to the American people is an insult to our values, our allies and to peace. Not only was the president’s endeavor to deal with the world’s largest state-sponsor of terrorism needless, but it was a fool’s errand. Yet, I am not surprised at this president’s uncanny ability to snub our allies, endanger our national security and placate radicals in the name of his legacy.”

Marino voted in favor of such measures.

“The votes my colleagues and I cast this week should be seen as the unequivocal rejection of this deal,” he said. “As long as this president routinely seeks to bypass Congress constitutional authority, we will oppose it with every legislative mechanism possible. That is why we voted on three bills that exposed the fallibility of this so-called agreement. We must not allow Iran to further destabilize the region and advance their efforts to threaten the very existence of their neighbors and our allies.”