Scalise celebrates 95th anniversary of amendment giving women right to vote

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) released a statement on Wednesday in honor of the 95th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote.

“Ninety-five years ago, the 19th Amendment was adopted, giving women access to the ballot box, to the halls of our government and beyond,” Scalise said. “The amendment made our nation so much stronger, wiser and more free.

“As a father, I am proud that my daughter will grow up in a nation where her voice and her vote matter, and where she can accomplish anything she puts her mind to,” Scalise said. “As a Republican, I’m proud that half of our elected House leadership team is comprised of strong women.”

Scalise also voiced his hopes for the future of U.S. women.

“We understand that every issue is a women’s issue — and there is still important work to be done in empowering women to pursue their goals, provide for their families, strengthen their communities and achieve their dreams,” Scalise said. “House Republicans are deeply committed to continuing that work, and to honoring the legacy of those who fought for the recognition of this fundamental right to the ballot nearly a century ago.”

Scalise has represented Louisiana’s First District in the House since 2008. Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1965, Scalise served for four months in the Louisiana State Senate and 12 years in the Louisiana House. Scalise was educated at Louisiana State University and serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee.