Renacci urges Congress to act on long-term infrastructure funding

In recognition of a successful Stand Up for Transportation Day on Thursday, U.S. Rep. Jim Renacci (R-OH) released a statement on the increasing need for legislation to provide a long-term funding solution for repairing, upgrading and maintaining America’s infrastructure.

“With the Highway Trust Fund set to expire in less than 60 days, Congress must act now,” Renacci said. “If we don’t reinvest in our failing infrastructure, the long-term cost to our economy, taxpayers, and our children and grandchildren will be devastating. Short-term funding mechanisms that do nothing to address the shortfall in the long term can no longer be tolerated. We simply cannot afford to continue to kick the can down the road.”

Stand Up for Transportation Day was organized as a day for communities across the nation to unite in an effort to send a message to legislators that they must work to provide a long-term investment to repair, maintain and modernize the nation’s failing transportation network, including highways, bridges, ports and rail systems.
“I am working on legislation that allows for the consideration of all viable options so that Congress can get serious about finding a sustainable solution for the Highway Trust Fund,” Renacci said. “I am hopeful that my colleagues in both chambers and on both sides of the aisle can come together on an agreement that provides certainty to businesses and the users of our roads and bridges for several years, not several months.”