Reed highlights Republican success in cutting discretionary spending

Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) recently highlighted Republican efforts to rein in spending and called for support of fiscally responsible policies going forward.

In a recent two-week tour of his district, Reed said, the most common theme among taxpayers was frustration about federal spending.

“Let’s deploy common sense when it comes to spending, let’s not spend what we don’t have,” Reed said. “Until Washington does its job and proves it can spend responsibly, it isn’t right or fair for Washington to take one more extra dollar from taxpayers. We’ve made significant strides in reversing the wasteful spending trend but more can always be done to make federal spending more efficient.”

Since taking control of the House, Reed said, Republicans have undertaken some of the most significant spending reductions in modern history, and will continue to do so going forward.

“We’ve now cut discretionary spending for the fourth year in a row in the House, something that hasn’t happened since the Korean War,” Reed said. “By constantly pushing to cut down on wasteful, fraudulent and abusive spending habits in Washington – all of which are unfair to taxpayers – we have the ability to champion what we’re hearing from Western New Yorkers are the priorities for our area. We can’t care for our country properly if we don’t prioritize spending in a fair way.”

As the House is set to consider 12 appropriations bills this week, Reed called for dialogue about priorities that address the nation’s debt-driven crisis.