Committee discusses trade barriers with China

Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-Kan.) questioned U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman about trade barriers with China during a recent House Ways and Means Committee hearing.

“Opening markets and leveling the playing field for Kansas agriculture producers and American workers is a key priority for the Ways and Means Committee,” Jenkins, a member of the committee, said after the hearing. “It is proven to promote economic growth and job creation. Our goal is to craft trade policies that ensure our producers are not at a disadvantage in the global markets.”

Jenkins said China’s unjustified trade barriers on U.S. agricultural exports are of great concern to her constituents.

“These barriers ignore international standards, they have no basis in science, and they raise serious questions about whether China is complying with its (World Trade Organization) obligations,” Jenkins said.

Jenkins also said trade barriers with China aren’t limited to agricultural exports.

“…My concerns with China aren’t exclusive to agriculture because there are many examples where dealing with China is a significant challenge, but we need to address these concerns without harming our own economy,” Jenkins said.

Given limited time and resources to address barriers with China, Jenkins questioned how Froman would prioritize challenges that U.S. companies face in Chinese markets.