Gardner seeks input on tax reforms

Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) sought input from business leaders on Wednesday to help draft a smarter, more equitable tax code that leads to job creation and promotes innovation.

Gardner sent a letter to businesses throughout his district that solicited ideas for the Comprehensive Tax Code Reform Bill.

“For too long, career politicians in Washington have perpetuated a tax code that stifles innovation and hinders economic growth and job creation,” Gardner said. “The letter I am sending today is the just the beginning of what I hope is a serious conversation about making substantial reforms to our tax code. Small businesses are the drivers of the American economy, and I believe they should have a strong voice in creating a tax code for the innovation economy of the 21st century.”

Gardner noted that the tax code hasn’t undergone fundamental reform in more than 25 years.

“…With unemployment hovering between seven and eight percent and slow economic growth, now is the opportune time to reform the code with pro-growth policies and get our country back to work,” Gardner said. “We simply cannot surrender our economic future to those countries that have a more friendly business environment and lower corporate and individual tax rates.”

Gardner created an e-mail account for business leaders to send their suggestions for comprehensive tax reform and other tax policy matters.