Burr bill would combine departments of Labor and Commerce

Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) introduced a bill on Tuesday that would combine the Department of Labor and the Department of Commerce into a single agency in an effort to cut costs and improve economic policies.

The consolidated department, the Department of Commerce and Workforce, would maintain the independent functions of both agencies while combining their administrative offices.

“Duplicative programs cost the federal government staggering amounts of money every year,” Burr said. “The president has proposed merging and consolidating federal agencies several times over his two terms, and this bill advances that proposal. Combining offices with similar functions within these two agencies is a commonsense approach that reduces wasteful spending and would streamline our approach to comprehensive economic policy.”

The Department of Commerce and the Workforce Act would also place the Small Business Administration into the Department of Commerce and move the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration from the Department of Commerce to the Department of the Interior.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), a cosponsor of the legislation, said Congress should take steps to consolidate federal power and return control to states.

“Commerce and Labor began as one agency but has overgrown into two duplicative departments,” Inhofe said. “I am honored to sponsor this legislation with Sen. Burr that will save the taxpayers money, tame our growing government and increase the efficiency of its essential services.”