Reed commits to an “all of the above” approach to energy policy

Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) said on Tuesday that he believes the United States can achieve energy security in the next ten years if it employs an “all of the above” approach to energy policy.

Reed pointed to lower gas prices and the boom in energy development in the United States as favorable signs for the direction of the country’s future energy security.

“An abundant supply of North American oil is directly contributing to lower, more stable gas prices at the pump,” Reed said. “I am firmly committed to an ‘all-of-the-above’ energy policy to continue this trend and achieve energy security for the United States within the decade. Hydraulic fracturing has unlocked previously inaccessible oil and natural gas resources, bringing with it manufacturing jobs, lower energy costs and lower transportation costs.”

Reed said the price of gasoline dropping below $3 a gallon was instigated by the development of North American sources of fuel.

“Especially as families prepare to travel for Thanksgiving, this trend is welcome news for hardworking taxpayers who are able to keep more of their hard-earned money in their pockets,” Reed said. “As we must approach this issue from a national security standpoint, developing North American resources also protects our sons and daughters from being put at risk in our military as we depend less on oil from the Middle East. We have an opportunity to become energy secure in front of us, and we should not lose sight of that goal.”