DHHS releases funds for low-income energy assistance

The Department of Health and Human Services released an initial $33.7 million in Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program funding on Monday amid projections that natural gas, propane and electric heating costs will be higher than in past winters.

Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Angus King (I-Maine) joined a bipartisan group of 40 senators who called on the Obama Administration to release heating aid funds last week. Collins and King applauded the release of the funds on Monday and defended the program against sequester spending cuts.

“The LIHEAP programs assists some 8 million households nationwide, (and) nearly 50,000 in Maine,” Collins said. “As energy costs have increased, LIHEAP remains an important lifeline that helps prevent people from having to choose between heating their home, paying their bills or going without food or medicine. I am pleased that DHHS recognized our concern and is releasing this critical funding today.”

In its Winter Fuels Outlook Report, the U.S. Energy Information Administration projected that household heating expenditures will rise across the board this year, and the Northeast will be 3 percent colder this winter.

“Maine’s bitterly cold winters present serious challenges for our state’s most vulnerable families, who often end up having to confront the choice of whether to pay the ever-increasing heating bill or provide for everyday necessities,” King said. “I am pleased that DHHS heeded our call to release these critical funds now, which will help tens of thousands of Mainers to stay warm while still being able to make ends meet.”

The LIHEAP federal grant program provides funding for state-run programs that provide energy assistance. In addition to heating costs, the funds are also used to support energy crisis intervention programs and weatherization of residential homes.