Gardner says flood relief assistance will not be impacted by shutdown

Despite the government shutdown, Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) said on Tuesday that federal flood relief assistance in Colorado will continue.

Vice President Joe Biden toured flood damaged areas of Colorado last week, speaking at length about how a government shutdown would not impact relief efforts, adding that, “none of the federal assistance that we’re providing – none of it – is going to be impacted.”

Gardner said that he was thankful for Biden’s visit and glad that he was given a chance to see the damage.

“Along with Gov. Hickenlooper, myself and members of the Colorado Congressional delegation, we stood two feet away from Vice President Biden while he spoke at a press conference in Greeley and promised that federal assistance in Colorado would not be impacted in the event of a government shutdown,” Gardner said. “As President Obama’s chief surrogate, I trust Vice President Biden’s word. The president and vice president must stay true to their promise and see to it that federal assistance is not slowed or stopped in any way as the vice president promised.

“As the chief executive of our state, Gov. Hickenlooper must ensure that President Obama keeps his promise and sees to it that federal assistance is not slowed or stopped in any way. Members of the Colorado Congressional delegation are working hard here in Washington to secure relief, and our elected officials in Colorado must do the same.”

Colorado is recovering from some of the most devastating flooding in its history, with more than $1 billion in damage to infrastructure and property and more than 20,000 homes damaged or destroyed.