Turner: More natural gas in Europe is beneficial to American alliances and workers

Rep. Michael Turner (R-Ohio) wrote a column recently expressing his full support for the United States’ effort to help friendly nations in Europe find energy sources that reduce their reliance on oil from unfriendly or unstable countries.

Turner said that by diversifying their energy sources, specifically by turning toward natural gas, America’s allies in Europe can gain a certain measure of independence from Russia, North Africa and the Middle East.

“Increasing Europe’s energy security will strengthen U.S. security partnerships, bolster our national security, help our economy and create job opportunities here at home,” Turner said.

Turner called for support of the Southern Gas Corridor pipeline, which will transport natural gas from the Caspian Sea region in central Asia to Europe when complete, and American natural gas production.

“That is why I have authored bipartisan and bicameral legislation, the Expedited LNG [Liquefied Natural Gas] for American Allies Act, to expedite the natural gas export license process for NATO countries and Japan,” Turner said. “The measure also allows natural gas exports to other countries if the secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, determines that it would be in our national security interests.”

Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) has sponsored companion legislation to Turner’s bill in Senate.