Camp leading bipartisan international trade effort

Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (R-Mich.) recently discussed his efforts to make trade policy a bipartisan effort in Congress.

Speaking at the Washington International Trade Association annual dinner in July, Camp said he has teamed up with Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), as well as Rep. Sandy Levin (D-Mich.). The group is seeking new markets to address trade and investment barriers and setting prime targets with emerging economies, including China, India and Brazil.

Camp said many problems still need to be addressed with China and that he recently sent a letter to the Obama Administration that outlined the pervasive issues.

“We must prevent China from exporting its model of state capitalism to other countries,” Camp said. “We’ve also seen a whole host of troubling measures lately out of India. With its 1.2 billion people, India’s market holds endless potential for world-class U.S. exports, and I want to level the playing field and promote economic growth and job creation through stronger U.S.-India ties.”

During his speech, Camp also announced that he and Levin recently reintroduced the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill to provide important tariff relief to U.S. manufacturers for products not made in the United States.

“We have proven that by working with one another, we can overcome difficult challenges, seize the initiative and achieve the job creation and economic growth that helps our country prosper,” Camp said. “We have done it before, and together, we will do so again.”