Terry talks Keystone Pipeline to Canadian-American Business Council

Rep. Lee Terry (R-Neb.) recently addressed a number of his legislative issues during a recent speech to the Canadian American Business Council.

Terry said the two most important items he is working on include the Keystone Pipeline and his duties as chairman of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade.

The Keystone Pipeline could significantly benefit both the United States and Canada, Terry said.

“For both of our countries, this pipeline will strengthen our bilateral relationship,” Terry said. “Canada is America’s number one trading partner and I’m here today to tell you despite a very vocal minority, we want this pipeline built in America.”

Terry said there is more to being open for business to Canada than the pipeline.

“As chairman of the Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade Subcommittee, I’ve also been focused on manufacturing in our series of hearings titled, ‘Our Nation of Builders’,” Terry said.

The subcommittee also held a hearing on the manufacturing industry in general and had a showcase session featuring products made in America.

“We dove into the challenges facing the automotive, steel and home building industries,” Terry said. “These hearings have provided us with a lot of good information and feedback from large job creators.”

The subcommittee has a strong focus on manufacturing, however, it also exercises its jurisdiction over all non-tariff trade barriers.

“Because let’s face it, our manufacturers need someone to sell their widgets to – and yours do too,” Terry said.