Roberts proposes numerous budget amendments

With the Senate considering the new Budget Resolution, U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) presented several amendments related to health care, taxes and national security on Wednesday.
“The federal budget needs to be cut in real terms, not just reductions in the rate of spending,” Roberts said. “The budget we will consider will balance over the next 10 years, ending the trillion dollar deficit the president has rung up during his tenure. This is the only way we succeed in fixing our financial house and the only way to reduce the taxes paid by hardworking Americans.”

Roberts’ Amendment 462 would remove the part of Obamacare that prohibits consumers from using their medical savings flex account funds to buy  over-the-counter medications. 

“This provision of Obamacare restricts Americans’ choice and flexibility in how they manage their health care expenses and adds yet another burden on physicians,” Roberts said. “It should be repealed, and folks should be allowed to spend the funds in these accounts as they see fit.”

Amendment 352 would block bonuses and performance awards from being given to federal employees who owe back taxes. Both of these measures are similar to legislation proposed by Roberts earlier this year.

“We learned just this week, that — according to the Internal Revenue Service — as of September 2014, 304,000 federal employees owe $3.5 billion in federal taxes,” Roberts said. “During this time of budgetary restraint, the government should not spend scarce taxpayer dollars giving bonuses to federal employees unwilling to pay their tax bill.”

Other amendments introduced by Roberts include: Amendment 354, which ensures U.S. military forces have the necessary resources to meet global threats without undue risk; Amendment 540, which blocks the federal use of Comparative Effectiveness Research to deny a patient treatment; and Amendment 353, which  authorizes lethal aid to Ukraine in order to fight against Russian aggression.