Alexander: Senate majority ‘determined to fix our broken system’

The Republicans’ big victory at the polls on Tuesday gave them control of the U.S. Senate, and Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) says that the majority is eager to help fix the nation’s “broken system.”

After the election, the Republican Party took control of the U.S. Senate and has its largest majority in the House since World War II.

“(Tuesday) Americans elected a new Senate majority determined to fix our broken system and move our country in a new direction,” Alexander said. “I intend to help do this in a way Tennesseans know well—to work with others to get results.”

Many Republicans ran on an anti-Barack Obama platform to take control of Congress. With only veto power left to defend his platform, the president has already said he will work with Republican leaders on areas of mutual agreement but that he will not agree to repeal health care reform.

“Americans want senators who know how to do more than make a speech; they want results,” Alexander said. “Republicans in the Senate are ready to hit the ground running with proposals to grow jobs, turn our health care system in the direction of more choices and lower costs, return control over our public schools to communities and classroom teachers, and put an end to the Obama administration’s unconstitutional overreach into so many areas of Americans’ lives.”