House Research, Homeland Security subcommittees examine DHS Science & Technology Directorate

The House Research and Technology Subcommittee, chaired by Rep. Larry Buchshon (R-Ind.), held a hearing Tuesday to discuss the Science and Technology Directorate of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS S&T).

The joint hearing with the Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Security Technologies stemmed from a July Science Committee hearing where witnesses spoke of the need for a unified strategy and metrics for developing border technologies.

“Twelve years ago, the Homeland Security Act tasked the S&T Directorate with the coordination and integration of the research, development, demonstration, and testing and evaluation activities of DHS,” Bucshon said. “Unfortunately, the DHS S&T has not yet been able to accomplish this task.”

A Government Accountability Office study found DHS’ research and development to be ineffective because of fragmentation and overlapping.

“DHS S&T has yet to provide the necessary strategy and technology to control our nation’s borders,” full committee chairman Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) said. “A nation that has lost control of its border has lost control of its future. But not only is the Directorate in a position to help secure our physical border, but also can better protect our virtual borders related to network and information technology.”