Newhouse: Civility, bipartisanship needed in U.S. politics

Increased bipartisanship on Capitol Hill is crucially important to advance the ideals and goals in American politics, said U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) during an Oct. 5 virtual forum hosted by Cascadia College in Bothell, Wash.

“Encouraging civility and increasing conversations across the aisle has been one of my priorities in Congress,” Rep. Newhouse said. “It is no secret that politics have become increasingly divisive, but it is our responsibility to work together and deliver results for our constituents.”

Rep. Newhouse was joined during the forum by U.S. Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-WA) and moderator Cascadia College President Eric Murray. Both members of Congress serve on the U.S. House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress, where they work on a bipartisan basis to bring Congress into the 21st Century and ensure their chamber works efficiently for all Americans, according to information provided by Rep. Newhouse’s office. 

“From our early COVID-19 response to supporting international trade, the Washington state delegation shares several bipartisan priorities that require collaboration, and I am proud of how we have been able to put our political differences aside to address the priorities of Washingtonians,” said Rep. Newhouse. “Thank you, Rep. DelBene, for inviting me to join you in this important conversation to show that we can disagree without being disagreeable.”

Rep. DelBene also said that the COVID-19 pandemic has shown lawmakers that they can still come together in a bipartisan way. “Our state was hit early by the outbreak,” she said. “Our federal delegation – Democrats and Republicans – united to do all we could to get the state the resources it needed in those critical early days. I want to thank Rep. Newhouse for joining me for this important discussion at Cascadia and for the strong partnership we enjoy.”

The event is part of a series to highlight the importance of collaboration in solving problems and is designed to engage students as they prepare to become future leaders, according to Rep. Newhouse’s office.