Salazar’s bipartisan resolution would denounce anti-democratic elections in Venezuela

U.S. Rep. María Elvira Salazar (R-FL) on June 21 proposed a bipartisan resolution that would condemn the illegitimate regime of Nicolas Maduro in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and calls for democratic elections on July 28 to be endorsed by the United States.

“As the Maduro regime does everything in its power to steal the presidential election from María Corina Machado and Edmundo González, we in the United States Congress stand strong against his tyranny,” Rep. Salazar said. “I am proud to support this resolution that denounces how Maduro is trying to lie, cheat, and steal his way to staying in power. I pray the Venezuelans retake Miraflores in July.”

The congresswoman cosponsored House Resolution (H.Res.) 1313 with fellow cosponsor U.S. Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL), to reject the attempt by the Maduro regime to hold sham elections and consolidate power through weaponizing institutions, especially the electoral committee and judicial system, according to the text of the resolution.

Additionally, H.Res. 1313 would demand that Venezuela hold free and fair elections on July 28, and allow all opposition candidates to register on the ballot and participate in the elections.

It also would denounce any attempt by the Maduro regime to intimidate and repress the Venezuelan people and its democratic candidates through any kind of violence, and would condemn the illegitimate regime for the flagrant and repeated acts of corruption, desecrating the rule of law, and engaging in anti-democratic and criminal acts, the text says.

“If there is overwhelming evidence of fraud in Venezuela’s upcoming election, the Biden administration [also] must condemn and hold Maduro accountable,” said Rep. Moskowitz. “This regime cannot weaponize institutions to hold sham elections and take away basic rights from the people of Venezuela.”

H.Res. 1313 is identical to Senate Resolution 741, introduced by U.S. Senate Republicans on June 18.