Moran’s bill increasing transparency of VA program to update e-health records becomes law

President Joe Biden on June 23 signed into law bipartisan legislation offered by U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) that requires the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to report quarterly on the costs, performance metrics, and outcomes of its Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) Program.

“The VA, and consequently our nation, has invested a great deal of time and money into the VA [EHRM] program,” Sen. Moran said. “The potential benefits of this program are important, and it is vital to get it right.”

The president signed into law the VA Electronic Health Record Transparency Act of 2021, H.R. 4591, introduced last year by U.S. Reps. Mike Bost (R-IL) and Frank Mrvan (D-IL) in their chamber to increase transparency around the EHRM program.

In December 2021, Sen. Moran sponsored his chamber’s version, the same-named S. 3341, with lead original cosponsor U.S. Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), who are ranking member and chairman, respectively, of the U.S. Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, which oversees matters associated with the nation’s military veterans.

“Now that this legislation has been signed into law, we can make certain the VA is providing the proper transparency throughout the EHRM implementation,” said Sen. Moran. “This will better allow the committee to conduct oversight during the deployment process to ensure veterans receive the care they deserve and hold the VA accountable for taxpayer dollars.”

According to Sen. Moran’s staff, the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee plans to hold a hearing on the EHRM program on July 20.

“I’m proud to have worked with Senator Moran and our colleagues to get our bipartisan bill across the finish line, allowing us to increase oversight and transparency on behalf of the VA medical staff using this program, so we can better provide our nation’s veterans the quality care they have earned,” said Sen. Tester.