Carter, Emmer propose 2 bills to hold Executive Branch accountable for on-time budgets

Executive Branch budget deadlines would be enforced under two new pieces of legislation introduced on Oct. 18 by U.S. Reps. Buddy Carter (R-GA) and Tom Emmer (R-MN). 

“Without an enforcement mechanism in place, budget deadlines are mere suggestions,” Rep. Carter said. “Like households and businesses across the country, the United States government cannot function properly without a budget.”

“The American people deserve a predictable and responsible budget process from the Executive Branch,” said Rep. Emmer.

Rep. Carter sponsored the Presidential Accountability for Yearly Submission of The United States’ Budget (PAYSTUB) Act, H.R. 9190, with two original cosponsors, including Rep. Emmer, which would withhold all political appointees’ salary payments until the presidential budget is submitted, according to a bill summary provided by Rep. Carter’s office.

The congressman also sponsored the Presidential Budget Accountability Act, H.R. 9191, with three original cosponsors, including Rep. Emmer, to withhold funds for presidential travel if the president fails to submit a timely budget to Congress, the summary says.

“We need the PAYSTUB Act and the Presidential Budget Accountability Act to pass so we can send a message to the American people that balancing the budget is our top priority,” said Rep. Carter.

Both measures have been referred for consideration to both the U.S. House Oversight and Reform Committee and the U.S. House Budget Committee.

“I am grateful to Representative Carter for leading the PAYSTUB Act and the Presidential Budget Accountability Act, which will impose much-needed accountability measures when deadlines are ignored,” Rep. Emmer said.