Balderson highlights Ohio’s role in strengthening U.S. energy security

U.S. Rep. Troy Balderson (R-OH) held a roundtable in southeastern Ohio on June 7 to discuss with energy stakeholders Ohio’s unique position in supplying the energy needed to protect American interests.

The congressman held the roundtable discussion at the Guernsey Power Station, a natural gas-fired energy generation facility that produces electricity roughly equivalent to serving the power needs of 1.4 million homes. The power plant, which began operating in 2023, uses state-of-the-art combined cycle technology.

“Ohio is in the middle of an energy renaissance, fueled by booming natural gas production and unprecedented private sector investment,” Rep. Balderson said.

The roundtable was attended by stakeholders from Ohio’s energy sector, including electric co-ops, utilities, natural gas producers, business groups, and power generators.

“This roundtable gathered experts from across the energy industry to discuss the future of American energy and how Ohio will be a critical piece of the nation’s power mix for decades to come,” the congressman said.

The roundtable took place days after Rep. Balderson led 138 of his House colleagues in introducing a formal challenge to the Biden Administration’s regulations intended to shut down U.S. power plants through a Congressional Review Act joint resolution of disapproval, House Joint Resolution 163. The resolution comes in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s final rules, known as the Clean Power Plan 2.0, which Republicans say imposes unrealistic emissions requirements on existing coal-fired power plants and newly constructed gas-fired power plants.