House bill would ensure right to record conversations with federal workers

U.S. Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-KS) introduced legislation on Tuesday to ensure the right of any American to record conversations they have with any federal agency employee. The bill, known as the Citizen Empowerment Act, would mandate that an employee of an executive agency inform every citizen during a phone conversation or in-person interview that either party has the right to record the conversation.

“We have seen too many examples of our nation’s bureaucracy making life harder for Americans and their families,” Jenkins said. “The Citizen Empowerment Act will ensure all Americans are aware of their rights and give individuals a tool to protect themselves or their business when a government inspector comes calling.”

The bill originally was introduced during the 113th Congress as H.R. 2711 and later included in H.R. 2879, the Stop Government Abuse Act, which passed the House in August 2013 on a bipartisan vote, but was not considered by the Senate.

“It is time to stand up against federal overreach and abuse,” Jenkins said. “Americans deserve a government that expands their rights, not the powers of big government.”