Bill outlines plan to implement state-specific welfare programs

Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) plans to introduce legislation this week that would help people get out of poverty and implement a framework to test state-specific welfare programs.

The Helping Americans in Need Develop their Ultimate Potential Act would encourage new ways to promote self-sufficiency, reduce dependency on welfare and increase work and earnings.

“There are more Americans living in poverty today than ever before – about 46 million – and we have a responsibility to care for them and help them out of poverty,” Reed said. “Our current system forces many individuals into a ‘poverty trap,’ which may make maintaining benefits more attractive than working more or even getting a job. It is not fair to simply provide a check with no opportunities for recipients to get ahead. We can do better than that.”

The bill would also allow states to apply for and carryout five-year demonstration projects and, if successful, share 50 percent of federal savings.

“Listening to social welfare recipients it’s clear they don’t want a handout, they want opportunities and support so they can care for themselves and their own families,” Reed said. “Too often federal bureaucracy holds people back rather than helping them forward. We have an opportunity to change the status quo with this bill by giving states the flexibility and creativity to deliver services more efficiently and test new ways to promote self-sufficiency, increase work and earnings and reduce welfare dependence.”

States would be required to demonstrate how they would maintain services and promote work through independent evaluations. Once approved, states would be held accountable through the evaluations.