Upton sets committee priorities for 2014

House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) highlighted the committee’s success in 2013 on Monday and pledged to continue oversight of the Affordable Care Act and growing the economy in 2014.

“We had a strong record of accomplishment in 2013, and we look forward to building upon our record of bipartisan success,” Upton said. “The committee will remain focused on promoting job creation and economic growth, transforming Washington to create a smaller, modernized government for the innovation era, and protecting families, communities and civic initiatives.”

The committee held 112 days of hearings, 29 days of bill markups and reported 22 bills and resolutions to the House of Representatives in 2013, according to a report released by Upton.

“We will keep our foot on the gas both legislatively, evidenced by the House voting on several of our measures this first week of the second session, and in our oversight work,” Upton said. “Our thoughtful oversight of the health law will continue as cancellations outnumber signups, Americans lose access to their trusted doctors and the rate shock becomes a sad reality…”

The Architecture of Abundance imitative to support growing the country’s energy infrastructure and the Our Nation of Builders imitative to support growth of manufacturing industries will round out committee priorities in the year ahead.

In an effort to foster public engagement, the committee will also continue social media campaigns and public outreach efforts that highlight the committee’s work and informs citizens in 2014.