Miller votes to fund FAA through Flight Safety Act

Rep. Candice Miller (R-Mich.) voted on Wednesday in favor of funding the Federal Aviation Administration through H.J.Res. 90, the Flight Safety Act.

“It is so absolutely critical, both to our economy and to the security of the airways not only on commercial airlines, but also in general aviation,” Miller said.

The Flight Safety Act would provide an appropriation at the rate of $11.8 billion annually and would last until Dec. 15 or until the federal government shutdown is over. The funding would allow the FAA to bring safety inspectors back to work, resume training for air traffic controllers, restart aircraft certification, reopen the aircraft registry service and continue upgrading air traffic control.

“The sum total of these efforts will help guarantee safe, efficient and reliable air travel for the American public,” House Appropriations Committee Chairman Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) said.

Both Rogers and Miller said they hope the Senate will see this bill as a stepping-stone to reopening the federal government.

“We need to come together – in a productive way with open ears and open minds – to find a way to clean up this fiscal mess,” Rogers said.

The bill passed the House with bipartisan support on Wednesday.