Runyan says Sandy victims have more time to file loss claims

Rep. Jon Runyan (R-N.J.) announced on Tuesday that hurricane Sandy flood victims will have more time to file their insurance paperwork.

“Many of my constituents have informed me that they only discovered significant damages after rebuilding had begun, and the deadline to apply for claims had passed,” Runyan said. “This decision will allow them to submit claims and help them get back on their feet.”

The Federal Emergency Management Agency recently extended the deadline to file proof-of-loss claims to April 28.

Runyan said he is still concerned about the National Flood Insurance Program rates, which continue to increase. Rates are set to reflect true flood risk and make the program financially stable, according to FEMA’s website. The changes mean rates for some policyholders will increase over time.

In September, Runyan joined with 15 members of Congress from New Jersey and New York to send a letter to the FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate and request more time for the people to complete their claims paperwork.

“Because of the magnitude of the storm and the number of affected individuals and homes, the recovery process has been long and arduous,” the members of Congress said. “Families have had to navigate this rebuilding process, which involves multiple steps and layers of bureaucracy, without any previous experience and institutional knowledge.”