Reed “all in” on debt-ceiling negotiations

Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) said on Monday that he is “all in” when it comes to negotiating the Oct. 17 debt-ceiling deadline and that the president needs to lead the country out of this crisis.

“This country needs the president to be a leader and join the House in working on a path forward, not just to open the government, but our long-term debt crisis,” Reed said.

Reed said the country is dealing with massive debt and approaching default, in addition to the federal government shutdown.

“Many Americans didn’t believe a government shutdown would occur, but it did,” Reed said. “Many Americans similarly believe America will not default of its debt, but it would be irresponsible to discount that very real risk given the status quo.”

Reed said he is all in to permanently deal with out-of-control spending and place the U.S. on solid financial footing. He said the government’s need to compromise is greater than ever and the House and Senate need to come together with the president to resolve the long-term debt crisis.

“It has come to the point where we need to move this debate to a much higher level,” Reed said.

Reed said the House has passed eight bills to keep vital programs running, but they await approval in the Senate.

“The House will continue to offer solutions that ensure vital services remain in place,” Reed said.