Gardner says passing farm bill should not be overlooked during shutdown

Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) said on Sunday that the now-expired farm bill is one of the most important bills to rural Colorado.

When the continuing resolution failed to pass on Sept. 30, the farm bill also expired, Gardner said.

“I am extremely concerned that a reform-focused farm bill has not been brought to a conference committee,” Gardner said. “The damage that was done to farms across Colorado from the floods last month compounds the need for negotiations to pass a farm bill.”

The farm bill is a comprehensive bill passed every five years by Congress that deals with agriculture and other affairs that fall under the Department of Agriculture. The bill provides direct payments to farmers, regardless of crop output, to help support struggling farmers.

“I am committed to farmers and ranchers across Colorado, and will do whatever I can to ensure that those who depend on this bill are not forgotten,” Gardner said.

The Senate’s version of the farm bill was passed on June 10. A similar version of the bill was passed through the House, but the Senate made changes before approving it on July 18. The changes await approval by the House before going to the president.