Roskam, Deutch urge missile defense authorization assistance for Israel

Reps. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) and Ted Deutch (D-Fla.) introduced legislation on Tuesday that would authorize assistance to Israel for the Iron Dome anti-rocket defense system.

The United States-Israel Missile Defense Cooperation Act of 2013 would also permit the United States and Israel to cooperate on the development, maintenance, enhancement and sustainment of the David’s Sling, Arrow and Arrow 3 anti-missile defense systems. The programs are designed to help defend against short, medium and long-range rockets, missiles and other projectiles.

“Missile defense cooperation has been at the heart of the U.S.-Israel relationship for over two decades,” Roskam said. “These cutting-edge systems save lives, prevent escalation of further conflict, and, in the case of David’s Sling, Arrow and Arrow 3, are a joint venture between the United States and Israel in which the technology and financing is shared.”

The Iron Dome has intercepted short-range rockets with an 85 percent success rate since its deployment in 2011. The Arrow Weapon System, which is co-developed by Israel Aircraft Industries and Boeing, targets medium-range ballistic missiles. It has been operational since 2000.

The Arrow 3 is an exo-atmospheric ballistic missile interceptor that is currently being developed.

The David’s Sling Weapon System is a joint development between Rafael and Raytheon. It is also currently being developed and will intercept short and medium-range ballistic missiles, long-range rockets and cruise missiles.

“This legislation builds upon decades of strategic collaboration between the United States and Israel on missile defense,” Deutch said. “Together, we have achieved technological advances that have made the Arrow, David’s Sling, and other missile defense systems capable of saving lives and enhancing Israel’s security.”