Senate delegation visits U.S. troops, meets with leaders in Mideast

U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R- WV) was part of a congressional delegation that visited U.S. troops and military officials last week during stops in Jordan, Israel, Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait.

Capito also met with several leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Jordan’s King Abdullah II, Afghani President Ashraf Ghani and Iraqi President Muhammad Masum.

“After having the opportunity to once again visit this region of the world and see firsthand the turmoil that threatens the security of America and our allies, I am more grateful than ever for our troops and the sacrifices they make to keep us safe,” Capito said. “Meeting with West Virginians serving in Afghanistan was such an honor, and I have the utmost gratitude and respect for their service and sacrifices.”

“I am apprehensive about the administration’s framework for a nuclear deal with Iran that was announced while my colleagues and I were visiting the region last week,” Senator Capito said. “After speaking with world leaders, including Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, I have grave concerns about the risks of leaving an Iranian nuclear program in place and strongly believe that any final deal with Iran should be subject to congressional approval.”

The delegation included Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), along with five other senators.

The delegation returned to Washington, D.C., on Saturday.