Federal Election Campaign Act introduced by Steil, Bice

U.S. Reps. Bryan Steil (R-WI) and Stephanie Bice (R-OK) this week offered legislation to bolster federal law that prevents foreign nationals from wrongly influencing American elections.

“I’m committed to stopping foreign influence in U.S. elections and protecting U.S. donor privacy,” said Rep. Steil, chairman of the U.S. House Administration Committee and sponsor of the Preventing Foreign Interference in Elections Act, H.R. 8399.

If enacted, the bill would amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to further restrict contributions of foreign nationals, according to the text of the bill.

“American elections must be free from foreign influence,” Rep. Steil said. “By closing loopholes that allow foreign nationals from funding elections operations, we are one step closer in preventing foreign involvement in American elections.”

Rep. Bice, the lead original cosponsor of the measure, pointed out that individuals like Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire businessman and donor to politically liberal and environmental causes in the United States, should not be allowed to use loopholes to bankroll liberal groups such as the 1630 Fund or Arabella Advisors. 

“We must ensure that foreign individuals or even foreign adversaries are not corrupting our political processes with money or influence,” said Rep. Bice. “I want to thank Chairman Steil for his continued leadership and focus on safeguarding American elections.”

The bill would clarify the existing foreign-national ban on “indirect” contributions; prohibit foreign nationals from funding ballot harvesting or GOTV activity; stop foreign nationals from funding U.S. election administration; and bolster Americans’ donor privacy protections, says a summary provided by the lawmakers.

Americans for Public Trust endorsed H.R. 8399, which is companion legislation to the same-named S. 4145 introduced by U.S. Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN).